Kansas: Final semi-weighted avg. unsubsidized 2023 #ACA rate changes: +7.2%; UHC joining in

With just a few days to go before the 2023 ACA Open Enrollment Period officially launches, the Kansas Insurance Dept. has finally posted their approved/final 2023 individual and small group market rate changes.
The small group market rates are unchanged; the requested premium changes, which have an unweighted average hike of 7.2%, were approved as is. On the individual market, there were some slight reductions from requested rates for BCBS of KC, Sunflower/Ambetter, Medica, Oscar and US Health & Life. As a result, the semi-weighted average increase will be about a point lower (+7.2% vs. +8.3%).
I say semi-weighted because I only have the actual enrollment data for some of the carriers; for the others, I assumed equal enrollment for each of the remaining carriers based on the total statewide individual market size. I may be off on this, but it shouldn't move the needle too much if I am.
Also worth noting: UnitedHealthcare is joining the Kansas individual market for 2023.