Minnesota: @MNsure awards $4.2M to Navigators reaching underserved communities

via MNsure, Minnesota's ACA exchange:
ST. PAUL, Minn. — Today, MNsure, Minnesota’s health insurance marketplace, announced over $4.2 million in grant awards to 22 organizations to support increased outreach and enrollment help in communities across the state. All 22 organizations employ MNsure-certified “navigators” — local experts who offer free application and enrollment assistance to Minnesotans who need health insurance.
Navigators provide crucial support for consumers by answering questions and guiding them through the application and enrollment process from start to finish, completely free of cost. Working with a navigator can reduce barriers to getting or maintaining health coverage such as a lack of comfort using technology, unreliable internet access, limited English proficiency, or unfamiliarity with health insurance terms.
The new round of MNsure grant funding will enhance navigator organizations’ ability to reach more Minnesotans — especially populations experiencing the lowest rates of insurance, most significant health disparities, and greatest barriers to enrollment — and connect them with affordable and comprehensive health coverage. The 22 organizations, together with their partners, helped nearly 20,000 Minnesotans enroll in health coverage between July 2021 and June 2022.
MNsure has awarded grants averaging $192,000 to the following organizations:
- African Community Senior Services
- Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency (partnering with KOOTASCA Community Action, Lakes and Pines Community Action Council and Sawtooth Mountain Clinic)
- Briva Health (partnering with Sagrado Corazon de Jesus)
- CAPI USA (partnering with Karen Organization of Minnesota and Vietnamese Social Services)
- CARE Clinic
- Community Resource Connections
- Face to Face Counseling
- Generations Health Care Initiatives (partnering with Community Action Duluth, Lake Superior Community Health Center and WE Health Clinic)
- Health Access MN
- HealthFinders Collaborative (partnering with Community Action Center of Northfield)
- Hmong American Partnership
- Indian Health Board of Minneapolis
- International Institute
- Isuroon
- Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid (partnering with Catholic Charities of the St. Cloud Diocese)
- Native American Community Clinic
- Neighborhood HealthSource
- NorthPoint Health & Wellness Center
- Northwest Community Action (partnering with InterCounty Community Council and Tri-Valley Opportunity Council)
- Portico Healthnet
- Rainbow Health
- United Community Action Partnership (partnering with Lakes & Prairies Community Action Partnership, MAHUBE-OTWA Community Action Partnership, Prairie Five Community Action Council and West Central Minnesota Communities Action)
MNsure especially congratulates two organizations that are receiving grant awards for the first time: Indian Health Board and Isuroon.
MNsure’s statewide network of navigators meets Minnesotans where they are: providing culturally specific assistance in the languages people speak and in the communities where they live, work and play. A map of the awarded organizations (PDF) is available online.
Though navigators are available to help all Minnesotans find health insurance coverage, they have special expertise for Minnesotans with lower incomes who may be eligible for coverage through public programs like Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare. No monthly premium is required for Medical Assistance, and new federal legislation (the Inflation Reduction Act) ensures that MinnesotaCare premiums will remain very low through 2025.
Navigators are available to assist in person, over the phone, or by virtual meeting. Navigator services are always free of cost, but appointments are recommended. Minnesotans can connect with a navigator by searching the Assister Directory on MNsure.org or calling the MNsure Contact Center at 651-539-2099 or 855-366-7873 outside the Twin Cities.