Massachusetts: >260K thru 12/10; 98% of the way to record

This is a really minor update, but every person counts; as of December 10th...

260,391 plans selected and enrollments (reminder, we did auto renewal last month, so this includes current members)

29,115 plans selected and enrollments by people who currently don’t have coverage through the Exchange (these are part of the 260,391)

This is a mere 576 higher than MA's tally from four days earlier, but considering auto-renewals are included, it makes sense: The odds are that a couple thousand of those auto-renewed went back in and cancelled their renewals, partly cancelling out some of the new enrollment numbers.

Anyway, the CMS Public Use File lists Massachusetts as officially enrolling 247,121 people as of December 10th last year, so they're still running 5.3% ahead of that. They need 6,300 more enrollees (net) to break last year's record...but keep in mind that MA is one of the states with an extended deadline: Baystaters can still enroll as late as January 23rd.
