Short Cuts: Lightning Round! 70 (yes, 70) healthcare stories you might have missed.
Hold on tight, this is gonna be a big one; it covers stories dating back several weeks, so some of these might be completely irrelevant at this point, but...
Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion Is Helping The Uninsured — Where It’s Allowed To
What State Policies Best Foster Insurance Market Competition?
Analysis of 2016 Premium Changes in the Affordable Care Act’s Health Insurance Marketplaces
Hillary Clinton’s Health Care Proposals, Focused on Cost, Go Well Beyond Obama’s
The health care field has driven New Mexico's job growth, accounting for 56% of the new jobs over the last year. Medicaid expansion, funded by the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), has driven this growth. These are primarily medium-wage jobs.
Chicago needs a plan to sign up its uninsured; here's what to do
Report: Cost to Arkansas to end Medicaid expansion would be ‘substantial’
Insurers Find Out-Of-Network Bills As Much As 1,400 Percent Higher
Jeb Bush's health care pitch puts Florida record to the test
U.S. Still Behind Other Countries in Effective Health Care Spending
Community health centers growing in central Ohio amid Medicaid expansion
Audit: Maryland health-insurance site failed to protect patient information
What State Policies Best Foster Insurance Market Competition?
Don’t Just Renew Your Medicare Plan. Shopping Around Can Save Money.
Medicare Part B premiums to rise 52% for 7 million enrollees
Federal Audit Finds Faults in Kentucky Health Insurance Exchange
2 Million Uninsured Californians Are Eligible for Obamacare Benefits
Covering the Remaining Uninsured: Not Just a Red-State Issue
Nearly half of uninsured are eligible for subsidized health coverage
Jeb Bush's health care pitch puts Florida record to the test
Employers Offer Cash to Push Shopping Around for Health Care
Lacking Obamacare: Millions of U.S. residents still aren’t yet covered
Obamacare Mistakes: Consumers Continue to Make Errors in Choosing Benefits
Editorial: Association health plans are key to Washington’s health insurance market
With hefty health insurance hikes in mind, Minnesota officials set out to get a hold of market
‘Consumer-driven’ health plans continue to gain ground in CT
First law of its kind in U.S. protects California health-insurance brokers
Lt. Gov. Urges Continued Healthcare Path for Future Ky. Leaders
Outreach group estimates 93 percent of New Hampshire insured
2016 health insurance rates released for Delaware Marketplace plans
New law aims to fix a major frustration with health care in California
Conway declines Bevin's invitation for health care debate after Kentucky insurance co-op's closure
Hillary Clinton just backed healthcare for immigrants in the U.S. illegally