Social Media Notes
Thu, 10/08/2015 - 10:29pm
Just a couple of quick social media notes:
- Those who follow me on Twitter know that I almost always include 3 hashtags with every Tweet: #ACASignups, #ACA and #Obamacare. During the 2016 Open Enrollment Period, I'll be changing the #Obamacare tag to simply #OE3, not out of any disrespect towards the President but simply because of the character limit.
- Twitter followers also know that my personal feed (@charles_gaba) also includes all sorts of non-ACA-related stuff. If you want to keep up with my ACA-specific stuff but don't care for my unrelated political rantings, just follow the official @ACASignups Twitter account instead!
- Finally, don't forget you can also follow updates on Facebook!
That is all.