Rhode Island 30.7K QHPs, 89.4% paid, 3,349 SHOP

It's a long press release, but here's the latest update out of Rhode Island (which has a FULL extension/overtime policy through 2/23).

The grand total: 30,744 QHPs, of which 27,487 have paid their first premium (89.4%). The payment rate has gone down because a huge number of those 30,744 just enrolled in the past week or so, and thus their payments aren't due for another week yet.

SHOP enrollments now stand at 3,349.


Posted on February 18, 2015 | By HealthSource RI

PROVIDENCE – HealthSource RI (HSRI) has released enrollment data, certain demographic data and certain volume metrics through Sunday, February 15, 2015, the last day of Open Enrollment.

Due to storm closings of the Providence Contact Center and Warwick Walk-in Center on February 15, however, there is a Special Enrollment Period through February 23 for any Rhode Islander who required assistance in-person or from a contact center representative on February 15 and was unable to access these services to enroll in coverage. These customers must choose a plan and pay the first month’s premium by February 23 for coverage beginning on March 1.

As of Sunday, February 15, 2015, 82% of Year One customers have renewed (selected a plan) for 2015
(79% of renewing customers paid the first month’s premium).
Total New Customers: 9,684 (7,539 paid)
Total Renewed Customers: 21,060 (19,948 paid)
Total HealthSource RI enrollments for 2015 coverage: 30,744 (27,487 paid)

*Note: Individuals who have selected a plan but not paid by their selected coverage effective date become cancelled; reported enrollment values (plan selections, paid and unpaid) will fluctuate with potential net decrease due to plan selection cancellation, as of the passage of the January coverage payment deadline.

2015 Enrollee Plan Selection
21 plans are available on HSRI’s Individual Market for 2015, up from 12 plans in 2014, including some lower cost options for 2015.  HSRI is providing a snapshot below of how new and renewing customers are choosing plans–this data includes both customers who have paid and those who have not yet paid.

Renewed Customers
2015 vs. 2014 Selection by Plan, by Metal Level and by Insurer

64% of renewing individuals have selected a different plan for 2015
41% of renewing individuals have selected a plan with a different carrier for 2015
81% of renewing individuals have selected a plan in the same metal level for 2015; 6% of renewing individuals bought up by metal level for 2015, while 13% bought down by metal level for 2015

SHOP Enrollment
Cumulative as of Saturday, February 14, 2015

Small employer accounts created: 1,958
Small employer applications completed: 579

Small employer enrollment (paid and unpaid): 464
These employers represent 3,349 covered lives

Small employer enrollment (paid): 446
These employers represent 3,249 covered lives

76% of small employers are enrolled in the Full Choice Model

Rhode Islanders using HSRI
November 7, 2014 – February 15, 2015

Inbound Phone Calls Received: 246,975

Walk Ins Received (Providence): 13,347
Walk Ins Received (Warwick): 2,777
Total Walk Ins Received: 16,124

healthsourceri.com Unique Visitors: 170,319
healthsourceri.com Visits: 337,519
healthsourceri.com Page Views: 650,849

