Thanks to Jesse Lee for saving me the trouble of compiling these:
Report: 1/3 of #ObamaCare "enrollees" haven't paid premiums. How does not paying the premium constitute enrollment?
— Reince Priebus (@Reince) May 1, 2014
Uh oh: House committee claims only two-thirds of federal ObamaCare enrollees paid first…
— memeorandum (@memeorandum) May 1, 2014
New report confirms just 67% of ObamaCare ‘enrollees’ have actually paid their first month’s premium.
— NRCC (@NRCC) May 1, 2014
Only 67% of #Obamacare enrollees paid the 1st month’s premium, & only 25% of enrollees 18-34 paid. #ObamacareProblems
— National Review (@NRO) May 1, 2014
As of April 15 only 67% of #Obamacare enrollees had completed enrollment and paid first month’s premium: #WhosPaid
— Fred Upton (@RepFredUpton) April 30, 2014
Have the #Obamacare enrollees paid a premium payment? Or is this *hopeful* #Obamcare enrollees? One million hopefuls?
— Melissa Clouthier (@MelissaTweets) December 29, 2013
DISASTER: Only 5-10% of Obamacare Enrollees Have Paid First Premium via @gatewaypundit
— Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) December 24, 2013
Im told a low % -- perhaps as low as 15% -- of people who "enrolled" in #Obamacare actually paid first premium. Will be A LOT of attrition
— Scott Gottlieb, MD (@ScottGottliebMD) December 6, 2013
The @WhiteHouse was quick to brag about reaching 7 million #Obamacare enrollees, but how many of them have actually paid premiums yet?
— Heritage Foundation (@Heritage) April 2, 2014
McConnell, @Reince want to know #Obamacare how many have paid, how many had been uninsured. "Premature victory lap."
— Lynn Sweet (@lynnsweet) April 1, 2014
McConnell on Obamacare enrollment hitting 7 million: We don't know how many of those have paid, calls ACA a "catastrophe"
— Wesley Lowery (@WesleyLowery) April 1, 2014
VIDEO: W.H. Can't Say How Many Have Paid For #ObamaCare Plan And How Many Were Uninsured
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 31, 2014
Credit to the White House for reaching 6MM #Obamacare sign-ups. Now: (1) How many have paid/enrolled? (2) How many previously uninsured?
— Avik Roy (@Avik) March 27, 2014
HHS says it still doesn’t know how many people have paid the first month's premium
— AFP (@AFPhq) March 14, 2014
Still nobody knows how many have actually paid...
— DRUDGE REPORT (@DRUDGE_REPORT) February 13, 2014
HHS Still Won't Say How Many People Have Paid Their Obamacare Premiums
— The Weekly Standard (@weeklystandard) February 12, 2014
Incompetent feds admit they have no idea how many ObamaCare 'enrollees' have actually paid #Trainwreck
— Herman Cain (@THEHermanCain) January 17, 2014
Let's have contest to guess how many have really paid to join Obamacare. Like guessing # of jelly beans in jar. We will get answer in '17.
— Grover Norquist (@GroverNorquist) December 20, 2013