UPDATE: Indiana: Here's the 538K who could lose coverage, by County and Congressional District
The last official ACA Medicaid expansion enrollment number I have recorded for Indiana (via their modified "Healthy Indiana 2.0" program) was 290,000 people way back in July 2015. At the time, the maximum potential HIP 2.0 enrollment total was 680,000 Hoosiers, made up of 350,000 newly covered plus another 330,000 being transferred over from the HIP 1.0 program.
This NPR article from a couple of weeks ago states that as of January, "the Healthy Indiana Plan that he established in 2015 as the state's governor has brought Medicaid coverage to more than 350,000 people." However, that number is a bit confusing given that they were also supposedly transferring the other 330K over from the other program as well. I'm not sure if 350K refers to total HIP 2.0 enrollment or only those who were previously uninsured.
Making this even more confusing is the official December 2016 Medicaid Enrollment Report. According to it, HIP 2.0 enrollment was actually 424,046 people as of the end of December.
My read on this is that 424,000 is the correct figure to use: 350K newly covered, plus another 74,000 transferred over from the old program. With that in mind, here's the County and Congressional District breakouts for those who would likely lose coverage if the ACA were to be fully repealed without a replacement plan in place:
UPDATE: OK, I've confirmed that various Indiana state agencies have been using the 424,000 figure re. HIP 2.0, so it sounds like that's the correct number to use after all.