Poll: How likely would you be to purchase an official ACA Signups book?

A few people have suggested that I might consider writing a book about the entire ACA Signups project experience, from the disastrous launch of Healthcare.Gov last October through the crazy final days of March/April and beyond.

As the feeding frenzy subsided at the end of the open enrollment period, of course, website traffic has dropped off substantially and my 15 minutes of fame has mostly faded out, so I've mostly shrugged the idea off. However, I had my first actual speaking engagement last week (just to a local political club, but still), and it went well enough that I'm toying with it again.

So, in the age of eBooks, whaddya think? Would it be worth the time and effort to write up the whole thing into a nice chronology? Or has the time for that passed? I'm not committing one way or the other here, I'm just trying to get a sense of how much interest there is in the idea.

How likely would you be to purchase a reasonably-priced official ACA Signups book?

I'm in; go for it!
38% (73 votes)
Eh, maybe...
25% (48 votes)
Probably not; I can just read the blog for free
26% (49 votes)
Not at all; let it go, dude!
11% (20 votes)
Total votes: 190
