Massachusetts: @HealthConnector extends Open Enrollment thru May 23 due to ongoing #COVID19 pandemic

This just in via the MA Health Connector...

February 3, 2021 – The Massachusetts Health Connector announced today a further extension of its Open Enrollment through May 23, providing residents impacted by COVID-19 the opportunity to get access to affordable, comprehensive health insurance.

The Health Connector previously announced an extension of Open Enrollment through March 23, two additional months beyond the original Jan. 23 deadline. Open Enrollment started Nov. 1, and the new deadline of May 23 aligns the Massachusetts health insurance exchange with the new open enrollment period for the federal exchange platform,, which reopens Feb. 15 and remains open through May 15, and will be accompanied by a national marketing and awareness campaign.

Many people need help applying for coverage or picking plan, and the Health Connector has 18 Navigator organizations available around the state, many with newly added capacity – including evening and weekend hours – to help those with questions. People who need help can find a local Navigator. Tens of thousands of Health Connector members applicants are staying covered or getting covered during Open Enrollment, and people are encouraged to reach out to a Navigator as soon as possible to get the support needed to get coverage.

About the Massachusetts Health Connector

The Massachusetts Health Connector is the Commonwealth’s health insurance exchange, and currently serves more than 300,000 individuals and small-employer members with health and dental insurance. Massachusetts residents who do not have health insurance from an employer or other entity can use the exchange to gain coverage. Through the ConnectorCare program, income-qualifying residents can access coverage that includes low-cost premiums and co-pays, and no deductibles. Access to health coverage for individuals and small businesses can be found at the Health Connector’s website,

The MA exchange had already announced they were bumping their 2021 Open Enrollment deadline out until March 23rd a couple of weeks ago, and between that and the just-announced re-opening of the federal exchange at HealthCare.Gov from 2/15 - 5/15, this is hardly surprising.
