Massachusetts: MA Health Connector *already* on track to break their enrollment record for a 7th straight year!

I just received the following 2020 Open Enrollment report from the Massachusetts Health Connector (via email, no link):
It looks like we’ve pretty much wrapped up auto-renewal, how about an update on 2020 enrollment:
As of Nov. 29, we had a total of 286,640 people enrolled in Jan. 1 coverage, 6 with February or March enrollments, and 10,852 who had selected plans and had not yet paid to enroll. So, by the CMS definition, we are at 297,498. That includes about 17,000 new enrollments from people who did not have coverage as of Nov. 4 with the Health Connector.
I wish every ACA exchange would break out their numbers this way. Simple and to the point, but also with relevant details...not only "renewals vs. new" but also how many are enrolled for Januar vs. Feb. or March coverage and even how many have/haven't paid yet! The last is a bit unfair since Massachusetts is one of only two states, I believe, which actually handle premium payments (Rhode Island does as well...Washington State used to but doesn't anymore).
Here's what's truly impressive: Not only is Massachusetts the only state to increase their ACA exchange enrollment each and every year for six years running, but they're already on the verge of breaking their record again for a seventh year:
- 2014: 31,695 (major technical issues)
- 2015: 140,540
- 2016: 213,883
- 2017: 266,665
- 2018: 267,260
- 2019: 301,879
- 2020: 297,498 and counting
The MA Health Connector only needs 4,400 more to break their record again, and they have all the way until January 23rd to do so, which seems pretty likely.
I should note that MA is also running a 94% payment rate for the 1st monthly premium, which is well above the ~90% national average.
Did I mention that Massachusetts also has the lowest unsubsidized ACA premiums for the 7th year running as well?