Now Enhanced & Updated! Three-Legged Stool: The Motion Picture!

UPDATE 5/4/18: On the one-year anniversary of the House Republicans passing their ACA repeal bill, I figured it'd be a good time to once again promote my 17-minute explainer video about why the ACA was necessary, how it's supposed to work, why some parts of it are very much in need of fixing/improvement and an overview of every one of the half-dozen different repeal bills that the GOP tried to push through last year.

Over 2,500 people have watched my 17-minute 3-Legged Stool explainer video to date, and many have given it high praise (especially considering the utter lack of production value). However, there've been a few complaints about a couple of patches which are a bit slow or where the slides accompanying the audio are a bit confusing, so I've added some additional slides and reworked a few others to make it more clear. I've also noted the most significant update: That in the end, yes, the GOP did indeed repeal the Individual Mandate.

Later this week I hope to whip up a follow-up video which explains other recent developments, including how Silver Loading and the Silver Switcharoo worked to help salvage the 5th Open Enrollment Period; why the Alexander-Murray bill is no longer neccesary; what the doomed Collins-Nelson reinsurance bill was all about, and so forth.
