Vermont: 29K QHPs, 11.5K Medicaid, 81.3% paid

D'oh! OK, one more late-breaking number today, out of Vermont:

Vermont Health Connect Open Enrollment and Renewal Update

The following numbers are up-to-date as of 11:59pm Monday, February 9, 2015.

New Vermont Health Connect Customers

12,344 individuals have checked out a 2015 health plan. This includes 4,786 individuals in Qualified Health Plans (private health insurance) and 7,558 individuals in Medicaid or Dr. Dynasaur plans.

After a new customer checks out a plan, they must make an initial premium payment and have their selection processed before they have an active health plan. Of the 12,344 individuals who checked out, 10,678 have completed the enrollment process and have an active health plan (i.e., effectuated enrollment).  Of those who completed the process, 3,293 are on a Qualified Health Plan and 7,385 are on Medicaid or Dr. Dynasaur.

Renewing 2014 Vermont Health Connect Plans

28,256 individuals have been checked out into 2015 health plans. This includes 24,269 individuals on Qualified Health Plans and 3,987 individuals on Medicaid or Dr. Dynasaur plans. Of the 28,256 individuals whose plans have been checked out, 23,818 have had their renewal completely processed.  Of the 23,818, 20,337 are on a Qualified Health Plan and 3,481 are on Medicaid or Dr. Dynasaur.

OK, so that's:

  • QHP Selections: 4,786 new + 24,269 renewals (29,055 total)
  • Medicaid/CHIP: 7,558 new + 3,987 renewals (11,545 total)
  • PAID QHPs: 3,293 new + 20,337 renewals (23,630 total) = 81.3% paid

Again, remember that the payment rate is actually likely to drop a bit for the next week, as those who are just now enrolling are added to the denominator while the payments, which aren't due for a few weeks, are not added to the numerator.
