Nevada: Exchange QHPs up to 45.8K; 76% paid (up from 71%)

Hat Tip To: 

Nevada is the only exchange still officially open for "normal" private QHP enrollments (although of course SHOP, Medicaid, etc. are all year-round). WIth this update, Nevada's paid QHP rate jumps from 71% up to 76% (still not great, but an impressive spike in one week...more the existing enrollees catching up with their payments than new ones being added):

The board overseeing Nevada Health Link was told Thursday that nearly 35,000 people had enrolled in a qualified health plan as of May 3, halfway through a two-month special enrollment period that ends May 30.

Another 11,000 have selected plans but not yet paid for them.

Managers believe they had QHP enrollment information and premium payments for 34,820 residents as of May 3.
