Hawaii 3/31 QHP total: under 8K

Hat Tip To: 

Not exactly a glowing review of Hawaii's performance, but the final 3/31 number is higher than before, anyway (I'm going with 7,990 as "under 8,000" for now)...no Medicaid news here, however:

April 01--As of Monday, the deadline for signing up for Obamacare coverage, fewer than 8,000 Hawaii residents had successfully enrolled, among the lowest in the nation.

...The Connector said it had 22,000 apply as of March 22. Those who applied but did not finish the process have the opportunity to complete their applications even though the deadline has passed.

...Kataria said there are more than 11,000 Connector applicants being held up because of the problem with DHS.

...DHS said it only agreed to collect information necessary to make a Medicaid determination and isn't required to collect additional data for the Connector.
